Staff Procedures and Teacher Expectations
Table Of Contents
On behalf of the Nibinamik Education Director, Mary Oskineegish, and the Finance Administrator, Harvey Yellowhead, we would like to take this opportunity to welcome each staff member, both returning and new, to the Nibinamik Education Centre (NEC). Our goal is that our community school continues to be a totally student – centered school, and that we, as a team, are all working together to provide the most effective and efficient educational services to all our students. We believe that educators will never go wrong if our shared common goal is to act ethically, and with integrity, kindness, and empathy. Every thoughtful decision must be made in the best interests of the students.
The following staff expectations closely parallel, and are based on the First Nation Student Success Initiative Work Plan (FNSSP), the School Improvement Work Plan and the various recommendations from the Comprehensive School Evaluation completed in 2010. For details concerning the Nibinamik First Nation /Matawa First Nations FNSSP please consult with the Principal.
The Nibinamik Education Authority supports the adoption, adaptation and implementation of the Ontario Ministry of Education (OME) curriculum and policy documents, in our quest to increase student learning and student success. It is the responsibility of each education staff member to become aware of all these important documents related to the teaching of their assigned classroom.
For this school year 2018-19, we have established the following priorities:
1. Decrease student age/grade gap by a minimum of one year.
2. Increase student grade level in numeracy and literacy by a minimum of one grade.
3. Purchase interactive smart boards for classroom use.
4. Develop, maintain and promote self-esteem, pride, and dignity of all students.
5. To continue to enhance our local language and cultural teachings to our students.
6. Increase communication to parents and guardians concerning school and student successes and issues.
7. To resolve any computer/inter-net issues in a timely manner.
NEC belongs to the community of Summer Beaver and it is important that we integrate and incorporate the linguistic and cultural standards, values, and traditions of the community into the school environment wherever possible.
In order to increase dialogue with parents and guardians we will have a Parents’ Open House as scheduled on the Master School Calendar in the fall of, 2018. (copy of calendar in Appendices). This scheduled Parent’s Night provides an opportunity for instruction staff to review classroom procedures and rules, classroom homework policy, student attendance and individual student issues and student expectations with parents and guardians.
We also encourage staff to telephone and send notes home to parents as required on a consistent monthly basis to report both student successes and request assistance and discuss other specific student related issues throughout the school year.
- Staff need to focus on their professional role at the school and conduct themselves in a manner that is a positive role model for students.
- All teachers must adhere to and comply with the Ethical Standards of the Teaching Profession as outlined in Ontario College of Teachers Foundations of Professional Practice.
- Professionals must make every effort to report for duty on time each and every day as much as possible to meet the many diverse needs of the students unless they or family members are critically ill.
- Students are in our care and as such we need to ensure they are supervised both during class time and at all other times.
- The dignity of every child is important and each student must be treated with respect at all times.
For this school year, we have identified the following school administrative priorities:
- To ensure that all classroom teachers familiarize themselves with all pertinent Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum expectations and documents and that the content of these documents are implemented as much as possible in all classroom planning and teaching.
- To enhance the retention of our local Indigenous language and culture in our school.
- To adhere to the First Nation Student Success Program (FNSSP) approved work plan to increase student learning and success in literacy and numeracy (details regarding the FNSSP are indicated throughout this document).
- To increase our percentage average student attendance especially in the high school grade 9 program.
- To research the implementation of a modular mathematics program whereby students are grouped by ability for math lessons.
- To ensure that staff have access to adequate resources to use to develop creative lesson plans and to enhance teaching.
- To improve the lesson planning of staff as required.
- Offer more variety of extra-curricular student activities.
- To assist and mentor any teacher who requests help.
- To address the ongoing issues concerning Report Cards.
- Increase parental and community engagement, and to increase student engagement in the classroom.
- Continue to expand and increase programs for exceptional needs students.
- To ensure that all staff adhere to the approved Nibinamik Education Authority Teacher Planning Expectations, the NEC Staff Procedures (Part 1) and the approved list of staff expectations.
All of the above listed expectations are in no priority sequence; the NEC believes that all are equally important. These expectations of staff have been provided to, and confirmed by Chief and Council, Education Director, Finance Administrator, and the NEC Principal.
The senior education administrative staff have also been instructed to continue to increase student learning and to raise the academic standards of education program services to our students this school year.
We appreciate your commitment to the students and your willingness to continue to strive to increase our student successes. We look forward to working with each of you.
Mary Oskineegish
Harvey Yellowhead
Mary Oskineegish, Education Director, NEA
Harvey Yellowhead, Financial Administrator, NEA
A. 2015-16 Staff Procedures (Nibinamik Education Centre)
It is critical that Staff read and understand these procedures to know the daily routines for effective staff and school functioning for the Nibinamik Education Authority, NEC, and Principal.
Contents of this Section:
- Staff Absenteeism
- Telephone Calls
- Working Hours
- Supervision
- The Classroom
- Day Books
- School Grounds and Buildings
- Staff Attire
- Policies of the Nibinamik Education Authority
- Smoking and Staff Room
- Staff Meeting
- Snack Program
- Attendance Forms
- School Keys
- Main Door Alarm System
- Fire Alarm
- Programs and Textbooks
- Special Education
- Ideas and Suggestions
- Nibinamik First Nation Health and Social Services
- Photocopying
- Assistance to Relief Teachers
- Library
- Audio-Visual Equipment
- Computer Usage
- Staff Room Bulletin Boards
- Reports
- Classroom Registers
- Long Range Plans
- Ontario Student Record Files
- Ontario Ministry of Education Private School Inspection
- Letters to Parents
- School Supplies
- Report Cards
- Parent/Teacher Interviews
- Homework
- Bulletin Boards
- Student Work
- Student Record Keeping Systems
- Drama, Art, Music
- School Pictures
- Extra-Curricular Activities
- School Committees
- Learning Centres
- Things to Consider for the First Day of School
- Things to Consider at the Beginning of the School Year
- Assessment and Evaluation of Students – Ideas
- Christmas Concert
1. Staff Absenteeism
All staff must inform the Principal prior to 8:15 a.m. if they are going to be absent for the day. Please call the Principal at 593-2195 and if you are unable to contact him/her please leave a message with the School Secretary for notification. Please refer to any Section of the Nibinamik Education Authority Policy Manual for further details concerning any leave or purpose for your absent.
All teaching staff are required to have on file in the Principal’s office a two-day Emergency Lesson Plan package for all subjects. This package will only be used in case of an emergency when you are unable to complete a regular daybook for the supply/relief teacher. This will provide a structured format for the relief teacher to follow. This is to be submitted to the Principal on or near the end of September.
Conferences – all staff are eligible to attend conferences and workshops pending financial considerations and availability of replacements. Please ensure you complete in writing all requests at least 10 working days prior to the event. All staff attending workshops or conferences, as a condition to attend, must be prepared to make a short written or oral report to the Principal and staff copies of any information received. Please refer to Section 16 of the Policy Manual for further details.
All staff must complete the Application for Leave Form.
2. Telephone Calls
Personal calls, not of an emergency nature should only be made during your breaks and NOT during regular class hours. A teacher will only be disturbed regarding urgent matters. Long distance calls may be placed using a personal calling card.
3. Working Hours
All staff shall be at the school by 8:30 a.m. daily. In the event the school must be closed for students, the Principal will notify staff if they are to remain at the school until the end of that school day. All teachers and support staff shall be in their classrooms by 8:45 a.m. and five minutes prior to classes commencing after the lunch hour. All staff are expected to meet their class at the entrance doors as required. All staff are to sign in and out daily on the timesheets located on the desk of the secretary. The Principal will ensure that staff do not display a trend of tardiness. Once students are dismissed for the day, staff are not to leave prior to 4:15 p.m. unless authorization from the Principal has been obtained.
4. Supervision
Each staff member will be assigned supervision – yard duty. Ensure you are there on time and that you are visible to the students. If a student is hurt and you expect serious injuries, send a student or another staff member to the office for assistance. All school rules are to be applied to all students while you are on supervision. If a staff member is absent from duty, please contact the office immediately for assistance. If you are going to be absent attending a conference or workshop, it is your responsibility to find a replacement for your assigned supervision time slot.
5. The Classroom
In order to assist the maintenance staff please:
• Have all students pick items from the floor before leaving for the day.
• Have the students remove all items from the top of their desks at the end of the day.
• Have the students place their chairs on their desks at the end of the day.
• Notify the Principal for classroom repairs or maintenance if required.
6. Day Book
Your daybook is a required planning tool. It helps you organize, systemize and record your lesson planning, strategies, and techniques. Your daybook must:
• Be prepared at least 2 days in advance
• Must not be removed from the classroom
• Must be on your desk at all times
• Be available to the Principal upon request
Your day book entries should reflect adaptation of the curriculum to any special needs of students; provide a record of all teaching materials utilized; provide sequence in subject matter to ensure continuity of learning; record activities and time of activities; record teaching strategies; indicate aim of lesson and expected lesson outcomes; record assignments and evaluation techniques. Daily entries must also reflect long range planning implementation. One or two word entries are not acceptable. The Principal will be reviewing all day books on a regular basis throughout the school year.
7. School Grounds and Building
At all times, please check for any unusual or unsafe conditions. Please inform the Principal immediately of any problems that may be detrimental to the health and safety of our staff and students. Should you be the last person to leave the school please:
• Ensure all doors are closed
• Ensure all lights are off
• Check the washrooms and staff room
• Lock the doors
• Set the alarm
• Lock chain on door
8. Staff Attire
All staff are expected to dress neatly and in good taste in order to set a professional example for the students. No clothing with alcohol logos are permitted.
9. Policies of the Nibinamik Education Authority
It is the responsibility of each staff member to read and understand all policies of the Nibinamik Education Authority. A copy of these policies will be in the staff room. Any policy changes or additions will be communicated to all staff as required. Should you require clarification of any policy, please request this from the Principal. It is absolutely essential that all staff adhere to the chain of command to ensure harmony and protocols in our education system. The Principal is the immediate supervisor of all teaching and support staff and as such, should you have any issues, please ensure you arrange a meeting with the Principal for clarification or resolution.
10. Smoking / Staff Room
The school is a smoke free environment. Any smoking must occur at least 100 feet from the school. All staff are expected to partake in staff room clean up. All staff are expected to contribute $10.00 per month to the “Coffee Fund”. For safety reasons, tea kettles are not permitted in the classrooms. Please ensure you use a cup that has a top of you are consuming in the halls or classrooms. The staff room should be a pleasant and restful area. This includes positive and constructive conversation and should not be an area of criticism. Students are not allowed in the staff room. All staff must respect confidentiality at all times concerning students and confidential student issues.
11. Staff Meetings
The purpose of our staff meetings include: sharing of information, planning, improving the functions of the school and shared decision making. Your attitude and participation at these meetings will dictate their level of success. Please come prepared and be punctual. At all meetings, all staff are expected to attend and to participate. Remember to:
• Listen to others
• Share your ideas
• Be analytical not critical
• Present the facts
• Think of the good of the students and community
• Maintain a positive attitude
Should you wish to include an item for the agenda, please inform the Principal prior to the meeting dates. Regular staff meetings will be scheduled once per month. Emergency meetings will be scheduled as required. The schedule for this school year is:
September 2015
October 2015
November 2015
December 2016
January 2016
February 2016
March 2016
April 2016
May 2016
June 2016
All staff meetings will commence at 4:00 p.m. on a rotating classroom basis.
12. Snack Program
Each school morning the students will receive a healthy snack. It is the responsibility of staff to collect the snack from the staff room during morning recess for distribution. The school will attempt, as financially feasible, to purchase snacks that require no preparation. However, there will be occasions that staff will be expected to prepare snacks for the students. Please accept this as a delegation of your duties when you are requested to assist.
13. Attendance Forms
Each day, it is the responsibility of the teaching staff to record student attendance/absences on the proper form and submitted to the secretary. Forms must be received by 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. All teaching staff must also submit a monthly student attendance report to the Principal on the last school day of each month.
14. School Keys
Keys will be issued by the Principal as required to staff members. These keys are not to be copied or given to another person to care for. If you require a key, please see the Principal.
15. Main Door Alarm System
The main doors will be open daily until 5:00 p.m. If events are schedules after these hours the doors will remain open. The last person leaving the building at night must ensure the alarm system is set. If you are the first person in the building, you must disarm the alarm system. The Principal will provide you the code if required. The alarm panel is located by the door.
16. Fire Alarm
There will be 6 fire alarms throughout the school year. All teachers must explain fire alarm safety and exit routes to the students. Teachers are reminded to ensure that daybooks and registers are taken from the classroom when vacating the building.
Routines for Classroom Staff:
• Line up students in single file / ensure all students have appropriate footwear
• Close all windows
• Take daybook/register
• Exit students and staff
• Close classroom door
• Follow designated fire exits route
• Take role call after exit
• Remain with your class at all times and ensure you are a minimum of 200 feet from the school
• Await signal from Principal / designate to return to class
• Record date and time of fire alarm in register
Routines for Principal and Non-Teaching Staff:
• Check washrooms, gym, computer lab/library and staff room.
• Ensure all doors are closed
• Assist with classes to exit
• Assist with classes outside the building
• Inform staff when to re-enter the building
• Inform staff of irregularities of exit if required
17. Programs and Textbooks
It is the responsibility of teaching staff to utilize programs and textbooks that reflect reality, are culturally appropriate and instill pride and dignity in our students. If sections of books are historically inaccurate or damaging to the self-esteem of students, do not teach this section unless you ensure you make the required changes. All staff are encouraged to use local Elders or resource people in the classrooms if possible. Should you require any programs or texts, consult with the Principal.
18. Special Education
Ensure you read the Nibinamik Education Authority policy concerns Special Education. NEC will attempt to assist all students as required and it is expected that all classroom teachers will meet with the Special Education Teacher on a regular basis to jointly develop programming for our students. The Principal and Special Education teacher will develop a schedule for programming and services on or before September 2018.
19. Ideas and Suggestions
All staff are encouraged to discuss their ideas and suggestions for positive change with the Principal. All suggestions are welcome and appreciated.
20. Nibinamik First Nation Health and Social Services
Representatives from Nibinamik First Nation Health and Social Services are readily available to assist in the school. Resources and workshops are available. The Community Health Representative will be in the school on a regular basis to assist in testing the water, assisting with the tooth brushing program and to check student for lead lice.
21. Photocopying
Photocopying by teaching staff should be completed well in advance of daily lessons and prior to 8:45 a.m. and 12:50 p.m. Students should not be sent to the office to complete any classroom copying.
22. Assistance to Relief Teachers
To ensure teaching continues in the event of teacher absence, ensure your day book is complete at least two days in advance. Ensure copies of your classroom seating plan and any student groupings are also available. A list of daily classroom routines would be beneficial and must be provided to the relief teacher. Your supervision or yard duty times should also be provided.
23. Library
A classroom schedule for the library will be developed. All staff are encouraged to use the library when scheduled. Please ensure you have the students tidy up upon dismissal. There may be times when the library will be unavailable and you will be notified in advance as much as possible.
24. Audio-Visual Equipment
This equipment will be available in the library. Please utilize when required but return to the library immediately after usage. It is suggested that teachers inform each other of their audio – visual date and time requirements.
25. Computer Usage
All classes will be scheduled times for the computer lab. For all school computers the following rules apply:
- At no times are students to be unsupervised
- No eating or drinking by the computers
- Students are permitted to only use programs on the desk top or on the computer main menu
- No student or staff member will use abusive, threatening, unprofessional or offensive language while using NEC computers
- Homepages will be reviewed on a regular basis
- Students will only use discs approved by the teaching staff
- Copying of commercial software is forbidden
- All users must only access appropriate education related material on the internet
- No chat line access permitted or tolerated by staff or students at any time;
- All use must be for ethical purposes
- There are consequences for violation from warnings, to restricted usage to suspension or discipline action
For further information, please review Nibinamik First Nation Education Authority Operations Policy.
26. Staff Room Bulletin Boards
Information including professional development opportunities and community news will be posted in the staffroom bulletin boards. Please do not take any originals and if items interest you, please make a copy.
27. Reports
At various times throughout the year, the Principal will request various reports from staff. Your promptness, accuracy, and cooperation are essential.
28. Classroom Registers
All teachers will be provided with A Register of Daily Attendance for the school year. All teachers must complete the required entries on a daily basis. If you require any assistance, contact the Principal. The Principal will be reviewing classroom registers on a regular basis.
29. Long Range Plans and Planning
All teachers must submit long range plans per subject (including physical and health education) on or before September 30, 2018 to the Principal. If you require assistance to format or content, please consult with the Principal. No extensions will be granted by the Principal on submission date unless extenuating circumstances prevail.
General planning includes:
- Establishing your timetable
- Review the curriculum document for a general overview of the subject area
- Complete your long-range plans
- Develop detailed daily lesson plans
- Ensure that all support materials and documents are available and in place before you present your lesson
It is essential that you be pro-active and always be well planned and well prepared. The student learner has four basic needs that you must acknowledge and strive to attain: to belong; to have choices; to have control; to enjoy and experience success.
30. Ontario Student Record (OSR) Folders
Teachers are to review each of their students’ OSR’s as soon as possible and as the need arises. These files are confidential and cannot be removed from the school for any purpose.
31. Ontario Ministry of Education Private School Inspection
As a condition to offer Grade 9 credit courses Nibinamik Education Centre must successfully pass a site inspection. All staff will be apprised of the date of this inspection once it is determined. The inspectors will be reviewing specifically the Grade 9 program, textbooks, course outlines, day books etc. but will also visit each classroom for observations for school improvement.
32. Letters to Parents
On a regular basis, you will be requested to distribute to your students letters to take home from the Principal. Your cooperation is appreciated. All teaching staff are encouraged to maintain close communication with the parents/guardians of your students. If you sent letter or notes home, please ensure the Principal receives a copy for information purposes.
33. School Supplies
At all times, please attempt to ensure that little wastage occurs. Under no circumstances should a student be refused a pen or pencil when needed. If you require additional supplies, please complete the supply order form and give to the Principal for action.
34. Report Cards
Elementary School
• First report card issued – Date?
• Second report card issued – Date?
• Third report card issued – Date?
• Final report card issued – Date?
High School
• Semester one interim report issued – Date?
• Semester one final report card issued – Date?
• Semester two interim report issued – Date ?
• Semester two final report card issued – Date ?
35. Parent / Teacher Interview
Elementary School – Date?
High School – Date?
All staff must attend and participate in these parent teacher nights
36. Homework
Students from Grade One to Nine must be assigned homework on a daily basis. It is expected that the classroom teacher and parents will develop a communication system for this.
37. Bulletin Boards
All staff must update, revise, and change their assigned bulletin boards every three weeks. Teaching staff are encouraged to display student work as much as possible.
38. Student Work
Once student work has been completed, it is to be immediately sent home to the parents/guardians unless you are retaining it for student record keeping purposes.
39. Student Record Keeping Systems
All teaching staff must develop and accurately maintain a student record keeping system. Please select a variety of record keeping methods that track the learning process such as charts, lists, scrapbooks, log-books, daily notes, journals, anecdotal records, binders and portfolios including samples of student work etc. If you require any assistance in developing or maintaining these records please consult the Principal.
40. Drama, Art and Music
All teaching staff are expected to incorporate the use of drama, art, and music in teaching strategies. If you require assistance, please consult the Principal.
41. School Pictures
A date will be scheduled for student, class and family pictures. All community members will be informed once confirmation of date is known.
42. Extra-curricular Activities
All staff, as a condition of employment, are to become involved in extra-curricular activities. A list will be devised and all staff must sign up and deliver a series of activities throughout the year. The activities include: Library reading nights, floor hockey, broomball, computer nights, music, and homework nights.
43. School Committees
To ensure organization and participation by all staff in school related activities, each staff person is expected to sign up and participate on three school committees. These committees include: Open House, Christmas Concert, Remembrance Day, Book Fair, Student Council, Track and Field Meet, Halloween, Science Fair, Language, Culture and Curriculum, Traditional Week, Staff/Student Socials etc.
44. Learning Centres
All teachers must develop and utilize Learning Centres incorporating Bloom’s Taxonomy to enhance student learning and achievement. All centres must be designed with creativity and revised on a regular basis. At all times, a minimum of 3 centres must be functional. Centres could include a free time centre, a reinforcement centre, a reading center, a math centre or a science centre.
45. Things to Consider for the First Day of School
• Get to school early
• Be in the halls, meet students in the playground or at the door as they arrive
• Greet students at the door acknowledge parents as they arrive
• Introduce yourself – even if the student knows you – advise them on how you would like to be addressed – project a positive, friendly and approachable manner
• Have students introduce themselves to new students and vice-versa;
• Take new students on a tour of the school
• Do ice breaker activities
• Establish expectations
• Do review activities – no new academic work
• Take attendance
• Establish procedures – class routines, washroom, water fountain (have student input as much as possible)
Develop class room behaviours and expectations.
• Be organized
• Teach your signal for attention and practice
• Make contact with each and every student
• Teach students to follow routines such as how to line up, how to come in, where to put their indoor shoes etc.
• Assign toothbrushes
• Assign lockers
• Read to the students and gather a writing sample
• Teach some study skills – how to thrive in your classroom academically
• Have students decorate the class – do an art activity
• Do some group work and foster co-operation
• RULES – generate list
• Get to know the students – tap into their interests
• Check student’s knowledge informally (oral or written) and record observations at the end of the day
• Make sure students are aware of their responsibilities such as homework, learning and establish a routine for homework procedures
• Sign up for recess and lunch supervision schedule
• Pronounce all names properly
• Observe the class while they interact
46. Things to Consider at the Beginning of the School Year
• Organize the classroom
• Plan first day of school and related activities
• Prepare first week’s lesson with flexibility
• Check supplies – ensure you have what you need – PLEASE TAKE ONLY WHAT YOU NEED!
• Arrange student desks/tables – organize centres or how you will use centres
• Start Student Register
• Read your students files for medical and background information
• Begin to decorate your classroom and bulletin boards
• Post a welcome sign – personalize room for the students
• Set up some monitoring, tracking records and your personal filing system
• Establish a system as to how you plan to have personal and professional contact with parents and student – obtain home telephone numbers
• Get to know the school secretary and custodial staff – without these key people, the school would not function properly
• Obtain your student list and assign desks
• Prepare for special needs students
• Team up with a mentor teacher if possible – local staff and non-local
• Decide on behaviour expectations for your students
• Try-out audio-visual equipment
• Memorize names from class lists
• Supply any missing information for your personnel file
• Sign up for Committee work
• Attend a staff function
• Become familiar with all curriculum guides for your subjects
• Get to know the school and the community
• Collect your books, materials and identify your needs and place an order for supplies if required
• Sign up for extra-curricular activities
• Think about student evaluation and assessment methods you will use for this year – a workshop for staff will be provided
47. Assessment and Evaluation of Students – SOME IDEAS/ SUGGESTIONS!
(self, peer, teacher)
- Portfolio
- Journal
- Multiple choice test
- Essay
- Individual report
- Group project
- Oral presentation
- Cooperative activity
- Individual research project
- Test
- Teacher observation
- Demonstration
- Story telling
- Role play/dramatization
- Community project
- Experiment
- Story writing
- Art work
- Problem solving
- Formal examination
- Teacher/student interview
- Homework
- Student work
- Quizzes
- Oral reading
- Other
48. Christmas Concert
The annual Christmas Concert is scheduled before Christmas holiday. All classes are expected to organize a challenging and creative performance for this concert.
1. YEAR PLAN – an outline of the intended work for the year reviewing integrated thematic units or subject units based upon curriculum expectations with the appropriate local modifications and other approved programs of study. The year plan must be flexible enough to accommodate students interests and needs. Year Plans are to be submitted to the Principal on or before September 30th of each school year.
2. UNIT PLANS – each integrated thematic unit or subject unit should include the following aspects relating to the program of study being taught:
• Foundational Objective – skills/knowledge/abilities/aptitudes the students are expected to develop as a result of this unit of study should be clearly stated and achievable.
• Methodology – should demonstrate a variety of instructional methods and strategies including interactive, experiential, direct, independent study, etc.
• Resource-Based Learning / Content and Sources – should include provision for student generated materials and must list key resources utilized. Modifications to incorporate Aboriginal world view, values and customs should be incorporated.
• Activities – should be student and teacher directed and provide for active student involvement, choice and responsibility.
• Assessment and Evaluation – must use a variety of summative and formative evaluation techniques such as portfolios, anecdotal records, observation checklists, conferences, records, self and peer assessment etc.
• Initial unit planning should commence in advance of teaching the unit and must allow for adaptation and revision to meet the needs of the students during the teaching of the unit.
3. DAY PLANS – Must include learning objectives, activities, strategies, student evaluation and homework, and list resources utilized per subject per day. An integrated approach demonstrating linkages between subject areas is encouraged. Day plans must be kept current and prepared at least 3 days in advance. The Principal will review Day Plans on a regular basis and these plans must always remain in the school.
4. HOMEWORK – regular homework must be assigned to the students as per the Nibinamik Education Authority Home Work Policy.
5. LEARNING CENTRES – each homeroom classroom must establish and maintain at least 3 learning centres at all time for the students. These centres should rotate between math centres, language arts listening and reading centres, computer centres, creative centres, free time centres, and reinforcements centres.
Please note that these expectations take precedence over any existing policy documents. All education staff is asked to review the contents of this binder as soon as possible.
Many of the expectations in this section have been developed for this current school year are based on the Ethical and Professional Standards of the Teaching Profession of the Ontario College of Teachers. It is expected that all instruction staff will have a strong commitment and dedication to the students and their learning. You are placed in a position of community trust and responsibility, and as such, must demonstrate professionalism by adhering to professional standards of the teaching profession.
The Ethical Standards are intended to:
o Inspire educators to reflect and uphold the honor and dignity of the teaching profession.
o To guide ethical decisions and actions of educators.
o To promote public trust and confidence in the teaching profession and in the education system in Nibinamik First Nation.
All educators are expected to demonstrate:
o Care that includes compassion, acceptance, interest and insight for developing the potential of all students. Educators must express their commitment to the well- being of each student and their individual learning through positive influence, using their best professional judgment and demonstrating empathy as required.
o Trust which embodies fairness, openness and honesty. Educators must be reminded that their professional relationships with students; colleagues; parents and the public are based on trust.
o Educators must continually reflect on their actions to ensure all professional commitments and responsibilities are completed with integrity.
The Standards of the Practice of the Teaching Profession further provides a framework of principles that describe the required knowledge, skills and values inherent in the teaching profession. Professional standards describe a collective vision of professionalism that must guide the daily practice of staff and include:
o Commitment to Students and Learning – Educators must be dedicated in their care and commitment to the students who are entrusted in their care on a daily basis. They must treat all students equitably and with respect and must be sensitive to factors that influence student learning.
o Educators must demonstrate Leadership – Educators must promote and participate in the creation of a collaborative, safe, and supporting learning environment. Educators must recognize they have shared responsibilities with many stakeholders and must adopt a leadership role to facilitate student success.
o Educators Must be Lifelong Learners – Educators must recognize that a commitment to ongoing professional learning, attending professional development sessions and being aware of current education best practices is important and necessary to upgrade skills and knowledge to assist student learning.
o Teachers Must have Sufficient Professional Knowledge – Teachers must strive to be current in their professional knowledge and understand that further education attainment is usually required during the summer months. Teachers must be current on an ongoing basis of all best practices, learning theory, instruction and evaluation strategies, curriculum documents etc.
o Professional Practice – Educators must apply their professional knowledge and experience to promote and enhance student learning. All educators are expected to utilize appropriate and current teaching strategies, assessment and evaluation strategies and methodologies, resources and technology in planning for and responding to the needs of individual learners. Teachers must refine their professional practice through ongoing inquiry, dialogue and reflection.
For further information please refer to the information from the Ontario College of Teachers Foundations of Professional Practice.
1. All teachers are expected to adhere to the Ethical Standards of the Teaching Profession of the Ontario College of Teachers at all times while employed by the Nibinamik Education Authority.
2. It is an expectation that all instruction and administrative staff will develop professional and personal goals and objectives for this school year and provide these to your immediate supervisor on or before October 15, 2018. The attainment of your goals and objectives will be reviewed and referenced in any formal assessments completed.
3. All education staff is expected to assist in student extra-curricular activities and sign up for these activities on a regular and consistent basis throughout the school year. The Principal will monitor staff participation to ensure all staff is equally involved with student activities. If staff do not sign up or attend activities as scheduled, the School Principal has the full authority to sign up staff as required.
4. Please check your mailboxes and empty/clean your mailboxes on a regular daily basis.
5. Please clean up after yourself at all times. If you are utilizing the photocopier and the paper runs out, please re-fill the tray. If you have a paper jam, please attempt to resolve the issue or inform the school secretary and place a note on the copier. Ensure if you are using a transparency that it is the correct one for the copier. If you are using colored paper, kindly remove unused paper before leaving the copier.
6. As professionals working with children, you have a responsibility called the “duty to report”. This means if you suspect that a child is being abused or neglected that you must inform your School Principal as soon as you have this concern. It is the responsibility of the administration to act on your concern as required utilizing the approved First Nation protocol.
7. It is of paramount importance that all education staff adheres to the approved Nibinamik Education Authority Staff Code of Ethics. Not only is this a condition of employment and contract, it is the guiding document for all actions of staff. Discipline actions will result if any staff member violates any section of this Code of Ethics.
8. It is a professional obligation and requirement that all teachers review and sign in to the Ontario Student Record (OSR) of each student in your respective classroom as soon as possible in the school year. These records are confidential and cannot leave the OSR file area or the school at any time. No staff member can remove any data from these files. After each reporting period it is the responsibility of each classroom teacher to place a copy of the current report in each OSR file as soon as possible. It is a requirement that teachers sign in and out of the OSR each time reviewed. Please maintain these files in order. For further information please visit the Ontario Ministry of Education OSR website.
9. It is a professional obligation of all teaching staff to ensure that all planning is completed as per the Nibinamik Education Authority policies. Teaching is not a 9:00 to 5:00 job. Teaching effectively requires instruction staff to plan, mark assignments and maintain records after school hours. Teachers must understand and accept that this after-hours work is a necessary and expected “part of the job”; (copy of Planning Policy in the Appendices).
10. Please ensure that you review the Master School Calendar and note the important dates (See copy in Appendices).
11. All staff will be assigned on a rotating basis student supervision and yard duty. You are expected to treat this as a very important component of your professional responsibilities and you must ensure that the students are adequately supervised at all times. You need to be on time for your assigned duty and ensure that you can view all the students. (Please refer to Section F for further information concerning supervision of students).
12. If you know you are going to be absent from your assigned duties, please negotiate and trade off your scheduled supervision with another staff member prior to your departure and inform your School Principal. Under no circumstances, if a student is seriously injured, attempt to move the student. All school rules apply during supervision duties. If a staff member “forgets” the duty, please inform your Principal. It is expected that the School Principal will develop schedules on a fair and equal basis for all staff.
13. Ensure that you respect all organizational protocols at all times. In most cases the Principal is your immediate supervisor and as such, if you have any issues, please take the time to discuss these with your immediate supervisor in a fair and frank manner so that the issue can be mutually resolved. Be professional at all times and refrain from gossip. If you have concerns with another staff member, ensure you discuss these with the appropriate staff member prior to speaking to anyone else. If you are unable to seek resolution, then please inform your School Principal for further intervention or action required.
14. Please share your resources and take only what you need so that everyone has access to resources or supplies.
15. If you take the last pot of coffee it is suggested that you make another pot if required.
16. Ensure that you respect any confidential information and do not talk negatively about any student or staff member in any public domain. It is essential that you foster pride and dignity and self-respect for all students at all times.
17. Professional Performance Improvement Plan will be initiated by your immediate supervisor or by the specific employee if required/ requested to improve staff performance. This plan will focus on areas to improve, goals to achieve, time frames, evaluation processes and performance review/ expectations. The Nibinamik Education Authority will file all copies of staff assessments from your supervisor/ evaluator as a matter of protocol.
18. All education staff are expected to dress neatly and in good taste in order to set an example for the students. Unacceptable dress includes clothing with alcohol or drug slogans, tattered jeans, tight fitting clothing and recreational sweats (except if part of the employment duties).
19. Depending on the availability of funding and availability of substitutes, staff may be considered to attend Professional Development opportunities. Please provide your School Principal with details a minimum of 10 days in advance and this will be forwarded to the Education Authority for a decision. If staff attend a workshop, it is expected that upon return to the school, they will share information with the Principal and any staff member who may benefit. The Nibinamik Education Authority and the FNSSP will attempt to provide as much on- site professional development as possible.
20. If you have any ideas or suggestions for change or improvements, please discuss these directly with your immediate supervisor.
21. At various times throughout the school year you may be requested to provide information or to complete reports. It is expected that affected staff will respond in a timely manner to such requests.
22. Education staff are expected to demonstrate respect at all times to one another, students, and guests.
23. All staff must complete the Employee Request for Leave of Absences from work for each absence. If the absence is sudden, this form must be completed upon your return to work. If the absence is planned, please inform your immediate supervisor as soon as possible. (Copy available from the school secretary or the Principal).
24. If you must visit the Health Centre/Clinic during working times, please inform your supervisor as soon as you are aware of the time of your appointment so arrangements can be made if required. Please refrain from providing only a few minutes notice concerning the time of your appointment as much as possible.
25. It is an expectation that all staff will read and understand all Nibinamik Education Authority Policies. If you wish to view a copy of these policies, please make a request to the Principal or the Finance Administrator.
26. At no time is yelling at the students permitted. When you become frustrated and your normal “teacher voice” is seemingly not effective, try to negotiate with the students, use positive praise and encouragement rather than frustrating the students as well. Try different approaches as recent academic studies have demonstrated that yelling is not an effective classroom management technique.
27. It is a professional expectation of all teachers that they will not simply attempt to utilize daily lesson plans developed in previous years. This is totally unprofessional and it of great disservice to our students. Teachers must develop and utilize newly developed lesson plans incorporating any recent Ministry expectations and using any new resources provided. Instruction staff must utilize any approved lesson plan templates as required.
28. The school day commences at 8:30 a.m. for all instruction staff and concludes formally at 4:15 p.m. (unless there is a scheduled meeting or activity). All staff is expected to arrive at school on time and as scheduled. The additional time before and after normal school hours are to be used for planning, short meetings, required photo-copying, correction of student work, organizing the classrooms, changing bulletin boards etc. unless you are on scheduled yard duty.
NOTE: Should your supervisor note that you are late, the following is the action that will be undertaken to rectify the situation:
• When the first to the 5th time late is recorded, the School Principal will immediately discuss this behaviour with the employee (reasons and corrective actions to be taken);
• 6th time late – A warning letter from School Principal;
• 11th time late – A suspension without pay for up to 3 school days;
• 16th absence- Meeting with the Education Authority to resolve the issue.
Please note: If the reason for being late is reasonable and acceptable to the Principal, no action should be forthcoming.
The school hours for students are as follows:
Elementary School – 9:00 a.m. until 3:45 p.m.
High School – 9: 00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.; unless modified due to excessive school closures.
29. All staff must sign in and out upon every entrance and departure to the school on the staff sign in/out sheet in the main offices of the school. The Principal will be reviewing these sheets on a very regular basis to ensure compliance to expectations and policy. Any staff being consistently late or not signing in and out as required will be subject to the Staff Discipline Policy and the steps outlined in expectation # 30 will be monitored by the School Principal. It is important to note that you have many educational responsibilities throughout the school day including providing a safe, creative learning environment for the students so all staff are encouraged to limit absences from work as much as possible.
30. If for any reason you are going to be late or absent, it is required that you inform the Principal of any absence as soon as possible in advance and/or no later than 8:00 a.m. the day of each absence. It is very disruptive to other staff members and the students when staff do not inform the Principal that they will be late or absent. It is expected that you will contact the school each and every day of your absence to assist the Principal to engage substitutes etc..
31. When staff is absent it is necessary to ensure that all classrooms are adequately staffed to ensure the health and safety of the students. As such, there will be times when staff is temporarily moved to another classroom as required with little or no notice depending upon the circumstances. Under no circumstances should assigned Special Education staff be assigned any other duties.
32. It is expected that all staff will be in their respective classrooms and assigned work areas no later than 5 minutes prior to classes commencing. Staff are encouraged to greet their students at the door and to ensure the students are not in the hallway being late for classes.
33. It is an expectation that the Immersion staff, when not teaching in the classroom, will develop resources, have short meetings and collaborate on Immersion issues with each other to maximize effective use of time.
34. It is also an expectation that during classroom hours, no instructional staff member will leave the classroom unless an emergency occurs. If you are properly planned and prepared for each school day there is no need for staff to leave their classroom.
35. All photocopying must be completed outside of regular class instruction time. Unless it is a rare and extreme emergency, at no time should staff be utilizing the copier during class time, except during your scheduled prep times.
36. Use of laptops and the classroom computers must only be used for education purposes.
37. It is expected that all classroom teachers will develop and implement a hallway pass system for their respective classrooms in order to assist you in your classroom management and hallway management (know where each student is at all times). No more than two students are permitted in the hallway during school hours from your class.
38. To ensure that we maximize learning time for all students it is essential that no students be dismissed prior to the overall dismissal time schedules (however, for the younger students and grades please use your discretion and schedule time in the timetable for the students to get dressed, line up and be ready for the bus).
39. It is expected that the students will be escorted from the classrooms to the exit doors as required and if necessary, to ensure that all the students are on the bus. Your supervision ends when the students are on the bus and off the school grounds. We cannot simply dismiss the students without supervising the students out of the school unless they are participating in a school sponsored extra-curricular activity.
40. It is expected that if your student(s) remain at the school after normal dismissal times, you will provide constant supervision of them at all times as to not disrupt the work of others.
41. No students are permitted in the staff room at any time unless there is an emergency.
42. Unless it is an emergency, no personal calls are permitted during instruction time. The school secretary will take a message and forward this message to you as required.
43. Classrooms are expected to display student work on the bulletin boards at all times. These bulletin boards are assigned to each classroom and should be changed at a minimum of every 3 to 4 weeks with new student work and themes creatively and attractively displayed.
44. All classroom teachers must provide to the Principal your classroom timetable no later than August 29, 2018. After each Principal has approved your timetable, no changes are to be made without knowledge or agreement of your Principal. Please refer to the Teacher Planning Expectation Policy for details. There is some time scheduled in the Orientation Schedule for teachers to use for this exercise. For the subjects of Native Language, Computer Lab, Gym and Library each Principal will schedule a meeting with the Teachers to develop classroom time periods.
45. All instructional staff must maintain up to date student work folder portfolios per student per subject.
46. Special Education program services will continue to be a priority this school year. It is the expectation that the classroom teachers will work very closely with the Special Education Teachers as we continue to improve our delivery of services to the students Please continue to utilize the Special Education forms available from the Special Education Teacher.
47. Specific forms are available for student referrals to the Special Education Teachers. It is the full responsibility of the classroom Teacher to attempt every teaching methodology and every student learning methodology prior to forwarding a referral. All instruction staff will continue to be involved with initial IEP or semi-annual IEP updates, and attend all IPRC meetings as scheduled for their respective classroom students.
48. It is an expectation that all paraprofessional staff will also work with identified exceptional students during regular class hours. The classroom teacher and/or the Special Education Teacher will provide modified programming as required to assist in increasing student learning and success.
49. We will schedule regular assemblies this year for the students and to provide monthly recognition certificates etc. to the students;
50. The use of graphic organizers is mandatory for all classrooms as 80% of most learners are visual learners. Many different organizers can be found on the internet and all teachers are expected to download and utilize these important teaching documents as much as possible.
51. A year- end checklist will be developed and distributed in May for staff to plan and complete all required tasks for school year end.
52. By September 30, 2018 it is a requirement that all classroom teachers will provide the Principal with a copy of their classroom homework policy detailing frequency, communication methodologies with parents, and reward systems developed for the students. Please refer to Teacher Planning Expectation Policy for details.
53. Ensure that all student work is corrected in a timely manner to provide accurate feedback to the students and to determine if re-teaching and re-testing is required.
54. We will make every effort to have formal staff meetings to occur once per month and shorter meetings will occur as required. The Principal will attempt to provide as much advance notice as possible. Please mark these dates in your daybook and calendar. The objective of having regular staff meetings are for the purpose of sharing information, improving the functions of the programs at the school, and to share in decision making. Please come prepared to participate and be punctual. For these staff meetings all staff is expected to attend and participate. Remember to:
• Listen to others
• Share your ideas or concerns
• Be analytical and not overly critical
• Always keep the best interests of the students in mind
• Maintain a positive and professional attitude
55. Members of the Education Authority and/or Director of Education and Finance Administrator have a standing invitation to attend all meetings and discuss issues as necessary.
56. Meetings concerning Special Education students (IEP’s and IPRC’s) will occur on an ongoing basis as mutually agreed with the parents. All affected staff are expected to attend these mandatory and very important meetings. As much advance notice will be provided to involved staff members.
57. Report Cards must be completed and provided to the Principal preferably two days in advance but at a minimum one day prior to scheduled issuance to the parents. The Principal must review all report cards prior to signing and may require you to do various revisions. It is imperative that you do not wait until the last minute to commence and complete this exercise. As much as possible use the electronic data management program for this exercise. Under no circumstances should we be late in providing copies to parents as scheduled. Parent/Teacher interviews will occur a few days after parents have received these report cards as indicated on the Master School Calendar.
58. Please ensure that when a student inappropriate behavior occurs in your classroom that you record these on a daily basis on the requisite form available from the Principal and submit a copy of this form to the Principal as required for follow up and action. Teachers are expected to alter classroom management strategies prior to sending any student to the office (i.e., see the Principal) except in the case of serious inappropriate behaviours.
59. It is stressed that prior to sending any student for counseling that you initiate informal attempts to deal with the student and to communicate with the parents/guardians if necessary. Please do not hesitate to initiate parent meetings as required. The Principal will become directly involved on a formal basis after initial staff communication with the parents unless in cases of extreme serious inappropriate behaviours.
60. The Accident Form needs to be completed in the event any of the students have an accident. Parents or guardians must be contacted each time a student has an accident.
61. Classrooms, shelves and desks are to be kept neat and tidy and organized. At the end of each school day, it is the responsibility of the classroom instructors to ensure that the students assist in cleaning and tidying as follows:
• Approximately 5 minutes before noon and afternoon dismissal ensure your students put away neatly all supplies.
• Ensure that the students pick up from the floor any mess they may have made and place this garbage in the cans as required.
• Ensure that when school is done for the day that the students place their chairs on their desks (if desired by the cleaning staff).
• At the end of the school day, make your last announcements, remind the students of their assigned homework if any, line the students up and walk them to the exit doors and the bus in a quiet and orderly manner.
62. If you have any morning announcements please provide these to the main office by 8:50 a.m. daily.
63. If you notice any students encountering speech and language difficulties, please advise the Special Education teacher as soon as possible and complete the required referral form as soon as possible.
64. Please check the white board or bulletin board in the staff room a minimum of once in the morning and once in the afternoon for updates or new messages as required.
65. If your students are coming to school regularly late, please advise the Principal as soon as possible for assistance. It is also expected that you develop class procedures with consequences for being late. It is essential that you also inform the parents of your students concerning absences and work missed etc.
66. Please ensure that you maintain your daily register up to date and accurate. Please use the “G” code for any school closures and note the date, time and record all fire drills in your register. The Ministry of Education does not issue Registers for elementary students any more so each teacher must utilize the electronic attendance report system to record student absences. Additional details in the FNSSP section of these expectations.
67. According to legal legislation each school must have 6 fire drills throughout the school year. Some of these drills will be announced prior to the drill. Ensure that you review with the students the fire escape routes and procedures. Also ensure that you have the escape routes visible in your classroom. The target time to evacuate the school is approximately two minutes. Please remember to bring your daily register and day plan books upon exit and as indicated above, enter the date and time of the drill in your register.
Classroom Fire Drill Procedures:
• Immediately upon hearing the fire alarm, line the students in single file
• Close all windows
• Take your day book and register
• Exit the students quietly and orderly in single file to the nearest door and close your classroom door and turn off the lights in your classroom
• Take roll call from your daily register after you have lined up the students outside at least 100 feet from the school
• Await the signal to re-enter the building
• Take roll call again in your classroom
• Record the date and time of the drill in your register
• Await the announcement from the Principal indicating the positive items and areas for improvement (a memo to staff will follow)
Fire Drill Routines for the Principal, Secretary and Other Staff:
• Custodians – please check the gym and library for anyone and usher them out of the building and ensure doors are closed and time the drill
• Secretary check the washrooms and shut the main office door
• Other staff – assist in ushering out any straggling students and assist in supervising the students outside the school
• Inform the Principal if you notice any irregularities
68. Ensure that your classroom is attractively decorated with posters and other visual aids that will stimulate or act to reinforce teaching concepts or subject areas
69. Ensure that you utilize listening centers and the library resources to enhance literacy skills
70. Ensure that you develop and consistently apply classroom discipline techniques from the first day of school. Academic research has determined that the teachers have no more than the first three days of school to develop positive classroom management environments. In other words, if you cannot control your students in the first three days of school, you probably will have difficulties all year long. The first three days are the time to develop and be consistent with your classroom rules, expectations and consequences for violation. The following procedures are strongly recommended when developing a positive classroom environment: how do you plan to gain the students attention when it is time for direct instruction? Develop rules for working quietly, develop line up and dismissal procedures, washroom procedures, how the students should ask for help etc. (additional suggestions in Appendix F of these expectations)
71. It is expected that all teachers will incorporate the teaching of a Life Social Skills component to the students
72. For Spelling, it is suggested that you pre-test on Monday, teach and review throughout the week and test every Friday. It is also recommended that you “pull out” and pre-teach the vocabulary from the Reading program resources. If you have more effective methodologies, please do not hesitate to use those instead.
73. On occasion, it is permissible to have a movie afternoon but this should not be every week and kept to a maximum of once per month with approval by the Principal.
74. Ensure that you respect protocols at all time. If you have any issues please take the time to discuss them with your respective immediate supervisor, which in most cases, is the School Principal in a fair and frank manner in attempts to seek mutual resolution.
75. All paraprofessional staff are to remain with their respective class during the scheduled Native Language periods to assist the Native Language Instructor.
76. Maintain high expectations for students at all times.
77. Pre-teach, re-teach, teach, test and re-test if required to ensure that the students understand the subject content. Do not simply push forward without ensuring the students have an acceptable grasp of subject material. Please use a variety of teaching strategies that maximize student engagement.
78. It is expected that all teachers will utilize a variety of student assessment and evaluation methodologies to provide the opportunity for maximum student success. Please refer to the Teacher Planning Expectation Policy, in the Appendices for details.
79. At all times, please check for any unusual or unsafe conditions on the school grounds or in the school. Please inform the School Principal immediately of any issues. If you are the last person to exit the building, please ensure that the lights are turned off and that the front or side door is locked.
80. It is the responsibility of all teaching staff to utilize programs and teaching resources that are culturally appropriate and that will foster pride and dignity in our students. If sections of textbooks or other reference materials are historically inaccurate or damaging to the self-esteem of students, do not teach that section unless you make the required changes. If unsure, please consult with other staff or the School Principal for direction and assistance. All staff are encouraged to use local resource people/ Elders in the classrooms. The school has a small budget for this activity but ensure you consult with the School Principal to determine if funds are still available to provide your resource person with a small stipend for his/her time, wisdom and knowledge.
81. Ensure that you and your class follow all the rules of the computer lab as follows:
• No student is permitted in the computer lab unsupervised at any time.
• Students found in the lab unsupervised may be disciplined and if this is repeated on subsequent times, cancellation of privileges may occur.
• Absolutely no food or drink in the lab, coffee included.
• The computers are to be utilized for educational purposes only and students are not permitted to “surf the net” at any time unless closely supervised.
• All students and staff are prohibited from chat lines during regular school hours.
• Staff is and only for urgent school business as long as it in the opinion of your Principal does not affect your classroom duties and responsibilities.
• Computers must not be used for any illegal, unauthorized or unethical purposes.
• Students in the lab must be supervised to ensure they are adhering to the computer rules and staff must act as role models.
• If staff hears an announcement that the power may go off, ensure that all computers are shut down immediately to avoid any surge or electrical damage.
• Staff needs to ensure that the students respect the computers at all times.
• The last class of the day is to shut down the computers.
• Staff may use the computers after 4:15 p.m. for personal use.
• If you notice any repairs are required please inform the Principal as soon as possible.
83. Should you require clarification of any policies, school routines or rules, please consult with the School Principal at your earliest convenience. It is absolutely essential that all staff members adhere to the organizational chain of command to ensure harmony and protocols in our school.
84. Under no circumstances lend your school keys to anyone else except another staff member.
85. At all times please ensure that you do not waste school supplies. Under no circumstances are you to refuse a student a pen or pencil. Talking to and teaching students is a classroom responsibility if students are constantly losing or breaking these items.
86. All teaching staff is encouraged to use drama, art, and music in the classroom.
87. A date will be set for school and family pictures and staff will be informed as soon as the date is available.
88. No outdoor shoes or boots are to be worn by students, staff or guests past the school entrances and proper non-skidding running shoes are required in the gym as much as possible.
89. The school grounds and the school are violence and bully free areas. It is the responsibility of staff to enforce this.
90. All paraprofessionals will be required to maintain a daily log of activities as detailed in the Teacher Planning Expectation Policy.
91. At the discretion of the Nibinamik Education Authority the school calendar may be altered slightly to cover lost time due to school closures. All staff will be informed of any proposed or subsequent changes.
92. Please ensure you post all classroom expectations, class rules and creative visual aids and anchor charts in your classroom at all times.
93. It is an expectation that all visual aids and anchor charts utilized in the classroom will be changed from time to time to provoke the interest of the students.
94. Please do not use scotch tape on any of the walls. If required use masking tape or small push pin.
95. It is the intention to form the Student Representative Council to provide leadership opportunities to the students, especially at the high school. This will be a topic of discussion at an upcoming staff meeting.
96. The Nibinamik Education Authority awards students for perfect attendance in the school year. Please advise your students that if they have perfect attendance and come to school every day, they will receive a minimum cash award of $50.00 from the Education Authority.
97. The current student promotion policy indicates that students should only be promoted from one grade to the next based on the combination of:
• The achievement of knowledge and skills appropriate to the next grade level
• Academic and social readiness for the next grade
• Attendance and student effort
• Minimum attendance of 80%
Please reinforce this to the students as necessary, and inform the parents at each reporting period, how the student is progressing towards promotion. Exceptional rules apply to Special needs students. Parents need to be informed if their child is in danger of not being promoted due to attendance issues. It is the sole responsibility of the classroom teacher to update parents as required. Please keep a written record of any such discussions with parents for future reference if required.
98. It is usual in all schools for some students to have head lice. If you notice students with head lice please report this to the Principal as soon as possible. At no time will staff carry out inspections or draw attention to the affected student. The Principal will make the proper arrangements with the CHR for school wide or individual student inspections and medical follow-up as required.
99. Under special conditions the school will be closed and students will be instructed not to come to school. According to our accepted policy:
• If there is no water in the school, no students but staff report to work as usual until dismissed by the Principal.
• Heat and Light – all staff and students excused from school until resolved.
• Extreme Cold – if the temperature is below -40 school is closed for staff and students.
• On days of funerals, the school may be closed for one half day or members of the immediate family permitted to attend without loss of pay.
• If there is no power in the morning – no school for students but staff report to work on time until dismissed by the Principal.
100. It is a goal of the Nibinamik Education Authority to purchase SMART BOARDS as budget permits for classroom utilization. Research indicates that students seem to enjoy lessons utilizing this best practice technology. It is critical and essential that all staff take great care of these expensive teacher resources. Please teach the students how to take care of them and ensure that everything is put away in a safe and orderly fashion daily. A workshop will be provided to staff once the first few Boards have been installed on site.
101. Smoking or chewing tobacco is not permitted in the school at any time. If you are a smoker, please ensure that you are located in the areas designated by your Principal.
102. The Nibinamik Education Authority desires to purchase the required teacher resources to ensure student success and it is an expectation that the staff will use the resources on a regular and consistent basis and take proper care of them.
103. It is a goal of the Nibinamik Education Authority to obtain financial resources to provide students with a snack at school. If funding is available Education staff may be requested to assist in this process.
104. The Matawa Tribal Council has developed a specific Treaty curriculum by grade. All classroom teachers are expected to implement this curriculum in their classrooms as a component to the social studies curriculum. If you require a copy please request this from the Director of Education.
105. As all professional educators realize, you cannot be an effective and efficient teacher without proper and adequate lesson planning. It is your professional obligation to update or develop your lesson plans on a regular basis according to ethical standards and all approved Nibinamik Education Authority policy directives.
106. If any instruction member requires assistance to develop lesson plans according to approved policy, it is an expectation that the staff member will immediately seek assistance from the Principal and that the Principal will provide the requisite assistance and mentoring on a priority timely basis.
107. It is an expectation that all teachers will not simply utilize lesson plans from previous years. Each classroom of students is different and with our focus on numeracy and literacy, lesson plans must be updated to include any new Ministry expectations and to ensure proper utilization of any new teaching resources provided including the SMART BOARDS once obtained.
108. Attached in the Appendices please find a copy of the approved Nibinamik Education Authority Teacher Planning Expectation Policy. This policy is not only to be utilized by the teachers but by all para-professional instructional staff as required. All instructional staff must adhere to this planning document, and to ensure understanding, this document will be reviewed in detail. Please note, your compliance to this policy document will form a component of any formal classroom observations. The Nibinamik Education Authority cannot stress enough that the maintenance of quality daybooks or equivalent is an essential and necessary component of effective teacher planning.
109. All daily lesson plans, as per policy, must be planned a minimum of two days in advance and must remain on your desk at all times. Under no circumstances are your daybooks to be taken out of the classroom unless during a fire drill. If you utilize the computer for your planning, please ensure that you insert/staple a copy of your lesson in your classroom copy daybook each day. Your day book is your planning tool. It helps you organize, systemize and record your daily lesson planning, your teaching strategies and techniques and must be visible and remain on your desk at all times.
110. The Principal is mandated by the Education Authority to “spot check” daybooks to ensure compliance to policy. Your day book or equivalent should include entries that reflect adaptation or modifications of the core curriculum for any special needs students; provide a record of all teaching materials utilized; provide sequence in subject matter to ensure continuity of learning; record time of activities; indicate aims and objectives; record assignments and evaluation and student assessment strategies, and if homework was assigned as per policy.
111. In the Teacher Planning Expectation Policy, there are lesson plan templates that must be completed for every math and reading lesson for Grades 1 to 8. Grade 9 teachers must complete daily lesson plans as required by the Ministry of Education and as detailed in Ministry of Education policy documents.
112. It is the responsibility of the School Principal to compare daily lesson plans to long range plans of teachers from Grades 1 to 8 on a regular basis to ensure that teachers are meeting stated goals and objectives and to especially review lesson pacing. If in the opinion of the Principal, lessons must be altered to meet Ministry of Education curriculum expectations, teachers are expected to comply and complete and implement the required revisions as soon as possible.
87. Long range plans for teachers of Grades JK to 8 must be developed for the core subjects and all or due on or before September 30th, 2018 to the Principal with no exceptions. If you require assistance, please contact the Principal to address this issue. High School teachers are not required to complete long- range plans as these plans are contained in the approved individual subject course outline.
113. On/or before September 30, 2018 all teachers are to provide the Principal with a copy of their individual class homework policy. Details should include frequency, communication methodologies with parents and a reward system for the students. Please refer to the Planning Policy for detailed information.
114. All classroom timetables up to Grade 8 must ensure that mathematics, spelling and reading lessons are scheduled at a minimum of 40 minutes per day. For details pertaining to subject minutes per week for all other areas, please refer to the Planning Policy.
115. When developing your classroom language arts schedule please make every effort to not just simply note “language arts”. Please attempt to identify by time period when you teach grammar, spelling, journals, phonics, reading, library etc.
116. It is an expectation that once your Principal has approved your class room timetable and that the appropriate subject minutes per week are scheduled, there is to be no altering of the approved timetable without prior approval from the Principal.
117. The Principal is mandated to review any photocopied work to ensure that non- challenging teaching is not occurring. Teaching staff is expected to promote higher order thinking skills (Bloom’s Taxonomy) for the students at all times. Please refer to the Appendices for further information.
118. It is suggested that you begin to plan for the Community Christmas Concert well in advance. It is expected that each classroom will incorporate music, art and drama in their presentation. Plays are encouraged and expected instead of simply singing. Remember this is a community event for you and your students to display creativity; (see Appendices for information).
119. There is also going to be a Science Fair scheduled. All classrooms will be expected to have displays and provide hands-on science activities. As such, it is essential that you determine your classroom initiatives and ensure you plan to obtain your required supplies well in advance of this event.
120. For all seasonal holidays it is suggested that when you order you plan to incorporate the themes of the holiday in your classroom teachings and bulletin board decorating.
121. Teachers must plan to incorporate social skills teachings each day. Please refer to more detailed information in the Positive Behaviour Management Section E of these expectations.
122. PLAN, PLAN, PLAN and ensure you keep your students on task and motivated.
123. Teachers are expected to provide the Principal with a minimum of 2-day emergency plans for all subject areas. These plans should provide an easy and structured outline for any substitute to follow. These plans are due on or before October 30, 2018.
124. In the event you are going to be absent for more than 3 days, please ensure you are planned-in-advance as required and that you leave on your desk for your substitute your seating plan, timetable, supervision schedule, student groupings and information concerning your exceptional students.
125. Paraprofessional staff are to maintain a day book indicating duties assigned and any other information. This daily log need not be lengthy but must be accurate.
126. Failure to plan according to approved policy may result in discipline actions as required.
127. One of the priority goals of the Nibinamik Education Authority is to continue to increase participation of parents and community members in the education programs. All staff are expected to communicate with the parents/ guardians of their students on a regular and consistent basis. It is a fact that when parents support the school, student learning and success is generally improved. Please note than when parents are mentioned this also means to include guardians.
128. It is an expectation that early in the school year, each classroom teacher will contact each parent of the students in their class to inform them of their classroom rules, reward program, importance of attendance and homework program and invite them to the school at any time to discuss mutual issues or concerns.
129. It is expected that each parent of each student in the class will be contacted by the individual class instruction staff a minimum of once per month to convey positive aspects of the child and to discuss any identified areas of improvement required. At no times be judgmental and always invite the parent to the school if so desired.
130. Parents should receive student work on a regular and consistent basis except that retained for student assessment and evaluation purposes. Preferably copy the original and place in the student file and then send home the original copy.
131. Parents have every right, at any time, to review copies of their students work or to make inquiries concerning their student at any time. Staff re expected to respond honestly and timely to such requests for information.
132. Parents are the child’s first influential teachers. As such, concerns and issues of parents are valid and it is expected that all staff will be respectful to all parents at all times.
133. It is an expectation that teachers will not only inform parents of their individual class homework policy but will contact parents as required on a timely basis. As you are aware, students have a tendency to inform parents they have no homework when in fact they do. Ensure you adhere to the homework section of the Planning Policy and keep in touch with each parent as required.
134. Parents or guardians must be invited to attend all special education meetings pertaining to their child. This includes any IEP and IPRC meetings. It is also expected that on any report cards, there will be details of exceptional student progress as well.
135. A most important professional obligation of any teacher for parents is the timely completion of report cards. Report card comments need to be accurate and must reflect the mark assigned. Parents have the right to be informed of how you assess their child and came to a specific mark. It is suggested that teachers inform the parents of the very important details in a very honest and diplomatic manner. It is also highly recommended that you inform the parents of what the student needs to do for improvement and how parents can assist. It is essential that you complete all areas of the report card including attendance and academic progress. Under no circumstances should we be late in providing parents these important documents.
136. Report cards must be completed and provided to each School Principal a minimum of two days prior to being issued for review and signature. It is imperative that you do not wait until the last possible minute to complete these report cards as parents deserve as much detail as possible and for some parents, this is the only contact they have with the school. Plan accordingly to ensure you complete your report cards on time and that these documents are complete.
137. It is an expectation that prior to the Principal signing off a particular class set of report cards that the Principal will ask the teacher to explain how the marks of a few students were obtained to ensure that the teacher can justify the comments. If, in the opinion of the Principal, the marks do not reflect the comments or the teacher cannot explain the mark, revisions may be required.
138. Please ensure that parents are contacted immediately in cases of serious inappropriate behaviours. Ensure you are able to provide a copy of the incident report and other data as required. All staff are to work in partnership with the Social Counselors and parents as required.
139. Do not hesitate to set up meetings with parents as required. In fact, staff is encouraged to do so.
140. An important parent and community event is the School Open House scheduled on the Master School Calendar. For this very important Parental Engagement Strategy it is suggested that you have the following items prepared and readily available for parents in an attempt to increase awareness and involvement:
• Your daily timetable
• Review your classroom expectations, rules and consequences
• Ensure you are able to provide parents with a copy of your homework program
• Lay out all your resources and textbooks so that the parents are able to visually see what material you need to teach the students so the parents understand how important daily attendance is
• Honestly and accurately discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each student in a confidential and respectful manner
141. Staff are encouraged to attend important community events and activities.
142. All staff should be prepared to assist the schools in organizing, preparing and implementing any parental and community engagement strategies.
143. On a regular basis instruction staff will be requested to send home letters from the School Principal to the parents. Your cooperation is appreciated in this very important parental engagement strategy.
144. It is suggested that you maintain an up to date list of student telephone and contact numbers to assist you in your strategies to regularly communicate with parents and guardians.
145. It is the responsibility of the classroom teacher to advise parents if their child is in danger of not passing due to excessive absences. Parents cannot be ambushed at the last minute. If a student is having attendance issues regular and ongoing communication with the parents must occur and must be documented for future reference.
146. Parents need to be informed that daily attendance at school is a mandatory expectation and that absenteeism leads to incomplete grades and dropping out of school;(Note: Absenteeism at our schools is a concern, especially at the high school).
147. Grade 9 teachers are expected to contact the parents to inform them that students are not permitted, by Ministry of Education policies, to miss more than 15 periods of any subject. Students should not be retired due to excessive absences without parents becoming involved in this process.
148. Current research indicates that one of the largest contributors to student success is family and parental support and involvement in education. As such, regular communication between the classroom teacher and parents must occur and is expected. Please maintain a log of time and date and discussion topics with parents for future use if required.
Nibinamik First Nation / Matawa Tribal Council receives proposal driven funding from the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada to implement initiatives to increase student learning and student success. We are entering our 3rd year of this program. Very generically the priorities of this program include:
• To improve student success in literacy
• To improve student success in numeracy
• To decrease student attrition
• To develop an electronic student data management system including daily recording of student attendance, inputting of student formal assessment results and issuance of report cards
Within the FNSSP there are funds that are provided by AANDC to purchase specific student and teachers resources for numeracy and literacy and to initiate activities to increase student learning and success.
The First Nation Student Success Program (FNSSP): Some Program Expectations
149. Teachers are expected to utilize all resources purchased for mathematics and language arts in an attempt to increase both student learning and student success. A major priority of this program is to decrease student grade gaps.
150. One of the FNSSP priorities this school year is to engage Lesley Tomporowski, School Psychologist and Special Education Consultant to be on site in Summer Beaver to conduct screeners in language arts and mathematics and provide specific program recommendations. The results of these assessments will provide us with base line data and the recommendations made will assist in student learning.
151. All teachers and administrative staff will utilize the electronic data management system. This system is used to input daily student attendance and to produce monthly reports. If you require assistance, please contact the Nibinamik Education Authority Board Office staff and the Principal.
152. Due to the ongoing issues of adequate internet connectivity it is expected that all staff will refrain from downloading any music or movies during school hours. The FNSSP IT staff and the First Nation are attempting to resolve all inter-net issues.
There will be funds available for the purchase of literacy and numeracy resources. The allocations will be provided to the Principal. Should you have any suggestions for resources to be purchased, please provide these directly to the Principal.
The FNSSP will undertake various initiatives this school year and staff will be informed as required.