Code of Ethics

Nibinamik Education Authority
staff code of ethics

Revised: September 2018


Each employee of the Nibinamik Education Authority is expected to have a positive attitude and work ethic. In order to promote and ensure that the goals and objective of the Nibinamik Education Authority are maintained and achieved, each employee of the Nibinamik Education Authority shall also abide by the following standards of conduct and performance.

The Educator values the worth and dignity of every person, the pursuit of truth, devotion to excellence, acquisition of knowledge and the developmental of democratic citizenship.

Essential to the achievement of these standards are the freedom to learn and to teach and the guarantee of equal opportunity for all.

The primary professional educator’s concern will always be for the development of the full potential of each individual student. The Educator will therefore strive for professional growth and will seek to exercise the best professional judgement and integrity.

The Educator must be aware of the importance of maintaining the respect and confidence of one’s colleagues, of students, of parents and guardians and of all other members of the community, and therefore, must strive to achieve and sustain the highest degree of ethical conduct.


Commitment to the Student​

Obligation to the student requires that the Educator:

a) Shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning and to the mental or physical health and safety of the student.

b) Shall not unreasonably restrain a student from independent action in pursuit of learning.

c) Shall not unreasonably deny a student access to diverse points of view.

d) Shall not reasonably intentionally suppress or distort subject matter relevant to the academic program of the student.

e) Shall not intentionally expose a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement and not talk about students in a public place.

f) Shall not harass or discriminate against any student on the basis of colour, race, religion, sex, age, political beliefs, marital status, special needs status or family background and shall make every effort to assure that each student is protected from harassment in discrimination.

g) Shall keep in confidence personally identifiable information obtained of professional service, unless disclosure is required by law.

h) Shall strive to affect positive, accurate and culturally appropriate and relevant learning for all students.

i) Shall respect and be able to address individual and cultural differences of all learners.

j) Shall strive to teach all learners accurate and culturally appropriate curriculum.

k) To recognize that actions, behaviour and attitudes of educators have an impact on learners.

l) Shall demonstrate impartial and consistent respect for all learners as individuals with distinctive and ongoing learning needs.

m) Shall strive to model respect for human dignity, cultural and spiritual values, democracy and social justice.

n) Shall deal with learners considerately, consistently and fairly, respecting, at all times, the physical, mental, social, spiritual and culture of all learners.

o) Shall strive to promote equal opportunities to permit learners to develop their talents and skills.

p) Shall use only meaningful and just discipline methods on a consistent basis for all learners and to endeavour to build self-esteem of all learners.

q) Shall strive to assist in increasing the learner’s confidence in themselves, their home, their community and their appreciation of their own distinct language, culture, world view, and heritage.

r) Shall strive to respect and incorporate the knowledge, values, and wisdom the elders to all learners.

s) Shall strive to be competent in all duties assigned.

t) Shall develop education practices that recognize and accommodate diversity within in classroom, the school, and the community.

u) Shall encourage and assist each learner to form their own opinions and to assist each learner reach the highest level of achievement possible.

v) To seek to meet the needs of all learners by designing the most appropriate learning experiences possible.

w) To adapt the curriculum conscientiously and diligently, taking into account the context for learning by supporting curriculum reform to ensure that learners are being taught a curriculum that is culturally sensitive and relevant by integrating local customs, values, and knowledge.

x) To render professional service to the best of the Educators ability.

y) To request cross-cultural training or information if required.

z) To become full involved in providing extra-curricular activities for all learners to promote their development and skills.

Commitment to the Community

Obligation to the community requires the educator to:

a) Take all precautions to distinguish between personal views and those of the community.

b) To not distort or misrepresent facts on educational matters or content.

c) Regularly attend community by-laws and assume a role model position within the community.
d) Assume a leadership responsibility within the community and advance the interests of the education profession through sound ethical behaviour.

e) Adhere to all community by-laws and assume a role model position within the community.

f) Seek to establish positive, cooperate, and respectful relationships with community members.

g) Not impose any personal values or judgements that are inconsistent with the values of the community.

h) In the proper manner make reports that are required concerning learners that enable parents/guardians to assess both the academic and social development of learners.

i) Respect the various roles and responsibilities of individuals with the community.

j) Strive to communicate with parents/guardians and members of the community in an informative manner concerning decision made concerning educational programming.

k) Strive to fully support the development of the local aboriginal language and local customs and traditions.

Commitment to the Profession

Obligation to the profession of education requires the educator to:

a) Strive to respond unselfishly to colleagues seeking assistance.

b) To respect the various roles and responsibilities of individuals involved in the educational community.

c) To respect the confidentiality of all information.

d) To direct any criticism of any colleague in private, and only then, after informing the colleague in writing of the intent to do so, may direct in confidence the criticism to his/her immediate supervisor who will offer advice and assistance.
e) Shall maintain professional relationships with colleagues, learners, and members of the community.

f) Shall not use coercive or threatening measures to influence professional decisions of colleagues.

g) Shall perform all duties in accordance with local, provincial, and federal laws.

h) Shall maintain honesty in all matters.

i) Shall not make malicious or intentionally false statements about a colleague, Education Authority, community members or community leadership.

j) Shall not misrepresent one’s professional qualifications or experience.

Commitment to the Employer

Obligation to the employer requires the educator to:

a) To fully support the mission, goals and objective of the Nibinamik Education Authority.

b) To support and implement all decisions and policies made by the Nibinamik Education Authority in a professional manner.

c) To respect and not void any contractual employment agreement with the Nibinamik Education Authority except by policies and procedures adapted by the Authority.

d) To be supportive and respectful of the leadership mandated with the responsibility to operate and manage the education program.

e) To not make any disparaging remarks concerning policies and decisions made by the Nibinamik Education Authority or any individuals employed by the Authority.

f) To maintain confidentiality as required.

g) To not impose any personal values or judgements that are inconsistent with the Nibinamik Education Authority.

h) The Educator commits to execute his/her duties honestly, loyally and conscientiously.

i) To be prompt, punctual, diligent, and courteous in the performance of all duties.

j) To follow instructions and suggestions attentively and cooperatively.

k) To utilize school equipment and property in a conscientious manner.

l) To respect all rules and regulates of the employer, the community, and Chief and Council.

m) To be sensitive to and promote First Nations values, culture, traditions, and languages.

n) To maintain a positive attitude within the working environment and work in a cooperative manner with all colleagues.

o) To dress in a manner appropriate to the role, duties and work situation.

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